When the child  crying  , the mother feel confused, trying various ways to calm small to no avail. The colic is the most common causes crying  of child, the child's feel of Baltqlsat that may make him unable to sleep.

The causes of colic

Colic occurs in children as a result of lack of digestive growth , and that causes the inability to fully digest food, especially with children who rely on artificial feeding, what causes the gas composition and the injury of the child, which causes bloating his colic and cramps.

Colic may occur for children breastfeeding , as a result of eating the mother of some foods such as dairy products, spicy foods, wheat products, nuts, strawberries, some types of vegetables, garlic and alcohol. If we were to make sure that the child injury colic is a result of eating these foods, you should stop taking them until the child reaches the age of three months. Colic may also occur as a result of injury to the child constipation or diarrhea, or as a result of some pathological conditions such as gastroenteritis, or of certain types of parasites.

Colic children breastfeeding may occur, as a result of eating the mother of some foods such as dairy products, spicy foods, wheat products, nuts, strawberries, some types of vegetables, garlic and alcohol. If we were to make sure that the child injury colic is a result of eating these foods, you should stop taking them until the child reaches the age of three months. Colic may also occur as a result of injury to the child constipation or diarrhea, or as a result of some pathological conditions such as gastroenteritis, or of certain types of parasites.


To treat colic output of gases, must help the child Altghih after meals, through a light patting on the back of the infant. But if the colic as a result of injury to the child constipation or diarrhea, you should consult a doctor to treat the leading cause of cramps. The mother can give the child some herbal drinks that help to calm him down and eliminate the contractions such as anise and mint


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